Appreciation that Lasts -
Backpacks from onemate as Employee Gifts

Easily Make Your Employer Brand Visible and Bind Teams for the Long Term.

Are you looking for the ideal way to represent your brand effectively, modernly, and innovatively to the outside world?

Convey your appreciation to your employees with the perfect gift.


Make your brand more visible with high-quality employee gear


Give meaningful and timeless employee gifts with suitable products from onemate.


Delight your customers with promotional gifts that match your brand.


Functionality Meets Design - Backpacks and More from onemate.

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Elevate your Employer Brand to the next level together with onemate.

Discover in 45 seconds why onemate is your ideal partner for high-quality employee and promotional gifts.

Employee and Promotional Gifts for Your Brand:
Trusted by over 200 companies

Convey genuine appreciation to your employees and customers. Click here to reserve an appointment and book an individual consultation.

Sven Wolf


"We appreciate onemate's uncomplicated collaboration with fast and reliable communication. The project ran smoothly and pleasantly from start to finish. The product impresses us completely - even more importantly, the employees carry it every day. We would recommend onemate at any time!"

Andreas Kessen

Bereichsleiter IT & Kommunikation

"The topic of mobile work and the corresponding equipment for the safe transport of devices already plays a significant role in our organization. For this reason, we tested various products and quickly chose the Discovery backpack from onemate. The product convinced us and met all our requirements."

Christina Grünbacher

People Operations Manager

"The backpacks look really great and have been very well received by both management and staff - I see most of them using the backpacks daily. It's very likely the best gift we've distributed so far!"

Christian Kappacher


"As an innovative company with high standards for innovation and technical functionality, we sought a partner who could reflect these values in our team's equipment. With onemate, we found a young yet professional company that helped us design our employer branding to be functional and modern externally."

Maurice Berg

Manager Central and Eastern Europe

"In my search for a suitable backpack, I stumbled upon onemate and was immediately convinced by the idea, brand, and values. As part of 'Planet Passionate,' this backpack is not just a symbol of solution-oriented storage for me but also of sustainable resource management."

Where do you still have potential?

Find out how you too can optimally present your brand through valuable employee and promotional gifts.

Marken-Produkte, bei dem das Team die Wertschätzung wirklich wahrnimmt.

"Kurzes Zitat der Verantwortlichen Person"

Nico Schlomm
Head of B2B

I look forward to working with you to design your individual onemate product.

When will we take your Employer Brand to the next level?

Click on 'Request a quote' to find out if this is also promising for your employer branding. 👇🏼

With appreciative gifts for increased employee engagement.

Employee gifts play a central role in strengthening attachment, motivation, and satisfaction within the team. However, not every gift has the desired effect. This is where onemate comes in: Our backpacks represent much more than just a fashion trend - they are an expression of appreciation and functionality in perfect harmony.

Maximum functionality meets clear design.

Developed with a mechanical engineering background, onemate products stand out for their technical brilliance and thoughtful functionality. With a deep understanding of everyday needs, a product range has emerged that truly embodies the "design follows function" philosophy. The result is a backpack as stylish as it is functional.

For instance, the onemate Backpack Pro combines the minimalist elegance of a business backpack with the technical sophistication of a travel suitcase, making it the ultimate companion for business trips, daily office life, or private quality time on weekends.

Durability that delights.

In a fast-paced era, more companies are embracing sustainability and durability. This is precisely where onemate makes a distinct mark. As a result, onemate products are not only technically sophisticated but also robust and built for demanding everyday use. Thus, an employee gift from onemate is not just a stylish accessory but a loyal companion that delights for years.

Individual personalization for that special touch.

Whether it's a logo, team name, or special marking, we design the backpack or any other product of your choice according to your company's CI guidelines. This turns a high-quality backpack into a distinctive one-of-a-kind item that uniquely reflects the corporate culture and team spirit.

Appreciation exemplified through employee gifts.

Employee gifts are more than just nice gestures. They are expressions of appreciation, recognition, and gratitude. With customized backpacks from onemate, you make a clear statement: here, not only quality and functionality are valued but also the people who give their best every day. The onemate backpack is the employee gift that impresses on every level.

Ready for the next step?
Stand out with employee gear from onemate.

In today's "War for Talent," it's crucial for companies to position themselves as attractive employer brands. It's not just about salary and benefits; often, it's the subtle nuances that make a difference. The right employee gear makes a strong statement. With onemate products, employers not only signal appreciation but also distinctly stand out from the competition.

Technology meets functionality: A statement in every detail.

onemate products represent pure innovation and quality. Their engineering background gives them a unique technical functionality in the market, embodying the motto "design follows function," summarized in a simple yet effective design.

Our bestseller, the Backpack Pro, is the perfect example: With over 20 innovative features, it is versatile and ensures optimal organization. It combines the elegance of a business backpack with the technical sophistication of a travel suitcase - a product designed and crafted for demanding everyday use.

High-quality employee gear as an employer branding tool.

In the competitive market for top talent, the choice of employee gear can make a crucial difference. Companies that choose onemate not only demonstrate their appreciation for their employees but also signal a strong commitment to quality and functionality. An onemate product as an employee gift is a clear statement of appreciation and a sign that the company is willing to invest in its employees.

A lasting first impression.

Employee gear plays a crucial role in onboarding, leaving a lasting first impression. Providing high-quality products like those from onemate demonstrates to new hires that they have joined a company that values quality, sustainability, and offers the best to its employees.

Individual customization for maximum identification.

Another aspect that makes onemate products unique is their customizability. They can be precisely tailored to your company's CI guidelines, whether through the logo, team name, or other markings. This turns employee gear into an integral part of the corporate culture and promotes employee identification with the company.

Customization for Maximum Identification

In the modern work environment, employee gear is more than a mere gesture; it's a strategic tool in the "War of Talents," allowing companies to position themselves as attractive employer brands. onemate products offer the perfect solution, embodying quality, functionality, and appreciation. They are employee gifts that excel in every aspect.

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Mitarbeitergeschenke zu Weihnachten:
Mit onemate ein Zeichen setzen, das das ganze Jahr wirkt.

Wenn die festliche Jahreszeit vor der Tür steht, stellen sich Unternehmen schnell die Frage nach dem perfekten Mitarbeitergeschenk zu Weihnachten. In einer Zeit, in der Wertschätzung und Anerkennung immer wichtiger werden, bietet onemate genau das richtige Produkt, um beide Aspekte miteinander zu verbinden.

Sinnvolle Weihnachtsgeschenke, die begeistern

Die Produkte von onemate zeichnen sich durch ihre durchdachte Konzeption und ihre hohe Funktionalität aus. Entwickelt mit einem Maschinenbau Background, spiegeln sie sowohl technische Raffinesse als auch eine zeitlose Ästhetik wider. Dabei ist der Backpack Pro ein echtes Highlight: Er vereint das Beste aus Business, Reise und Alltag in einem. Seine 4-in-1 Vielseitigkeit macht ihn nicht nur zum idealen Begleiter im Büro, sondern auch auf Geschäftsreisen oder im privaten Umfeld.

Statt den üblichen Weihnachtsgeschenken, die oft in einer Ecke verstauben, schenken Arbeitgeber mit onemate etwas, das jeden Tag genutzt und geschätzt wird. Es ist ein Mitarbeitergeschenk, das sowohl den betrieblichen Zweck als auch die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Wünsche der Mitarbeiter perfekt verbindet.

Wertschätzung Mitarbeitergeschenk: Mehr als nur eine Geste

In einer Welt voller kurzlebiger Trends und massenproduzierter Geschenke setzt onemate ein Zeichen für Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit. Mit dem technischen Hintergrund und der maximalen Innovationskraft, die in jedem Produkt steckt, ist Wertschätzung nicht nur eine Phrase, sondern wird auch gezeigt.

Ein onemate Rucksack als Mitarbeitergeschenk zu Weihnachten signalisiert nicht nur, dass das Unternehmen seine Mitarbeiter wertschätzt. Er zeigt auch, dass es Wert auf Langlebigkeit, Funktionalität und Design legt. Das Beste daran? Der Rucksack ist nicht nur ein modisches Accessoire, sondern erfüllt auch im Alltag einen Zweck.

Individuell, persönlich und einzigartig

Was gibt es Schöneres, als ein Geschenk zu erhalten, das speziell für einen gemacht wurde? Onemate ermöglicht es dir, deine Geschenke individuell an dein Unternehmen anzupassen. Ob mit dem Logo des Unternehmens, dem Teamnamen oder einer besonderen Kennzeichnung – alles wird entsprechend der CI-Richtlinien deines Unternehmens umgesetzt. Ein weiterer Beweis dafür, wie sehr sich das Unternehmen Gedanken um seine Mitarbeiter macht und wie hoch die Wertschätzung wirklich ist.

Das perfekte Mitarbeitergeschenk zu Weihnachten

Weihnachten ist die Zeit der Wertschätzung, des Dankes und der Freude. Mit einem Mitarbeitergeschenk von onemate wird all dies in einem Produkt vereint. Es ist nicht nur ein Zeichen der Anerkennung, sondern auch ein Versprechen: das Versprechen, dass Qualität, Funktionalität, Nachhaltigkeit und Design Hand in Hand gehen können.

Schlussendlich bietet onemate nicht nur ein Produkt, sondern ein Erlebnis. Ein Erlebnis, das Mitarbeiter noch lange in Erinnerung behalten werden und das zeigt, wie sehr sie geschätzt werden.

Promotional Gifts with Style and Functionality: Delight Customers with onemate

In a world where first impressions matter, promotional gifts have the power to shape and strengthen business relationships. It's not just about the value of the gift but also what it conveys about your company. They embody identity, values, and can even contribute to setting you apart from the competition. This is where onemate comes into play: a symbol of quality, functionality, and style.

Stand out from the crowd with quality and functionality.

onemate's promotional gifts are not just high-quality products but also meaningful companions for daily use. Anyone who has received a low-quality promotional item knows how quickly such items end up in a drawer.

Not the case with onemate. Thanks to our technical approach and engineering background, onemate products excel not only in durability but also in maximum functionality. Our products not only withstand a demanding and agile daily routine, but they also make it easier.

Uniqueness through customization.

Take the Backpack Pro, for example: a backpack that combines the elegance of a business backpack with the functionality of a travel suitcase while maintaining the style of your favorite everyday backpack. And the best part?

Each backpack can be individually customized and personalized – whether it's with a logo, team name, or special marking. This not only aligns with your company's CI guidelines but also gives the recipient the feeling of holding something truly unique.

Diverse product portfolio.

While the Backpack Pro may not be suitable as a promotional gift for everyone, onemate offers a wide range of other products to consider. Options include the Thermo Mug, ensuring hot coffee during commutes, the Tech Organizer for tech equipment organization, and the Laptop Sleeve, providing secure and stylish protection for essential work tools. These products all share the same DNA of quality, design, and functionality.

Compelling Messages

Investing in onemate's promotional gifts is an investment in long-term business relationships. Choosing a high-quality and meaningful promotional gift sends a clear message: your company values quality and appreciates its business partners and customers. Additionally, such a gift sets you apart from competitors who often opt for less thoughtful and lower-quality gifts.

Make a statement with promotional gifts from onemate.

Onemate's promotional gifts go beyond products; they are a statement. A statement for quality, sustainability, durability, and design. This makes them the ideal promotional gift for any company that wants to treat itself and its business partners well.

Showing appreciation with onemate:
Demonstrating values and taking responsibility.

Eco-conscious product selection: Making a statement.

Choosing recycled PET for onemate products, whether as an employee gift, gear, or promotional gift, sends a clear message. It shows that your company invests not only in high-quality gifts but also actively takes responsibility for our environment. In an era where ecological awareness is increasingly important, this underscores your forward-thinking approach towards employees and business partners.

Investing in Longevity: A Promise to Your Employees

onemate's repair service symbolizes longevity and resilience, reflecting not only in their products but also in the message conveyed to employees: "We invest in the best for you and commit to a sustainable future." This not only strengthens trust and employee loyalty but also showcases your dedication to quality and sustainability to business partners.

In a business world where small details often make the biggest difference, choosing onemate products positions your company at the intersection of quality, sustainability, and social responsibility—a decision visible in every product you gift or use.